

The story details an encounter in Minecraft with a nameless human entity in a single-player world who displayed strange behavior such as stalking the player from afar, creating unnatural constructions such as sand pyramids in the ocean and long 2x2 tunnels, and removing leaves from trees. The first canonical sighting of Herobrine, and the first media about him in general, was posted as a now-deleted story on 4chan's paranormal board, /x/, around August 19, 2010. Zoomed-in excerpt of Herobrine in the original image.


The /x/ story and screenshot detailing the first Herobrine "encounter". Origins and popularity For more detailed information regarding the Brocraft events, see the wiki's interview with Copeland and his recounting of the events. Any appearances of Herobrine are caused by either mods being installed or because of another player using the skin. It is not possible for Herobrine to have ever existed in any unmodded clients or servers. There are no references to him at all in the source code, and there is no code to allow for any entity to act like Herobrine. Despite the many representations of Herobrine over the years, however, it's the first creepypasta, and the world seed it appeared in, that's the most memorable.Herobrine is not in vanilla Minecraft, and never has been.


Copeland's version of the creeypasta included an elaborate and disturbing representation of Minecraft Steve rolling his eyes frantically and a message from another years-old creepypasta called "Wake Up." Herobrine was launched into being a community meme in the months and years that followed, with mods that add him into the game and a canon that posits he's either the ghost of Notch's dead brother, a virus, or a projection of the user's own mental state. It's been an exciting time for veteran Minecraft fans recently, as concerted efforts from groups like MinecraftAtHome have unearthed some of the game's most storied secrets, including the original Minecraft title screen world seed among other similarly incredible finds.įor those unfamiliar with Herobrine, it's a creepypasta that first originated sometime in 2010 before being popularized by Brocraft streamer Copeland. The Minecraft Herobrine world seed has been found after over a decade in the wild thanks to a focused effort from Minecraft group MinecraftAtHome.
